Drunk man jumps from roof of Nashville gay bar, goes on rampage against parked cars

Drunk man jumps from roof of Nashville gay bar, goes on rampage against parked cars

25-year-old Tyler Anderson is charged with public intoxication and vandalism after police say he lost his shirt and scaled a fence at Play Dance Bar. When he reached the roof of the club, he jumped onto the pavement below, and took his drunken rage out on at least 5 vehicles, knocking off mirrors and vandalizing them.

Metro Nashville Police arrived at Play Dance Bar on Church Street on January 11th to find 25-year-old Tyler Anderson shirtless, soaked in his own urine, and covered in lacerations and bruises from his jump from the club’s roof. Anderson told police, through slurred speech and non-complete sentences, that he had been drinking too much and could not remember most of the night.

Tyler Anderson (MNPD)
Tyler Anderson (MNPD)

Security video showed him scaling the fence onto the roof, and a witness observed him vandalizing five cars once he hit the ground. Each one had damage to at least one mirror, and one of them had a dent kicked into it.

Tyler Anderson was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, and charged with public intoxication and felony vandalism. He is free on a $2,100 bond. Last month, Anderson posted on social media, celebrating 3 years sober.

Anderson, TylerGS9096444852 CIMARRON WAY
Antioch, Tn, TN 37013
Public Intox.
Anderson, TylerGS9096434852 CIMARRON WAY
Antioch, Tn, TN 37013
Vandalism over $1,000

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