22yo attacks boyfriend’s mom with pepper spray and baseball bat

22yo attacks boyfriend’s mom with pepper spray and baseball bat

Metro Police say 22-year-old Timaria Deberry pepper-sprayed her boyfriend’s mother when she was asked to leave and got into an argument. The mother then chased her down to a parking lot, Timaria pulled out a baseball bat, and the mom defended herself with a razor blade knife.

On October 26th at 1:25 p.m., India Homer called into the emergency communications center to report that her son’s girlfriend, Timaria Deberry, had just pepper-sprayed her in the face and attempted to attack her with a baseball bat during an argument in which India asked Timaria to leave.

Timaria Deberry (MNPD)
Timaria Deberry (MNPD)

Timaria was initially outside the family’s home when she pepepr-sprayed her boyfriend’s mother, but then got in her vehicle and fled. The mother then chased after her, in what she says was an attempt to get her license plate number for the police. She followed her to a parking lot on West Heiman at which time Tamaria exited her vehicle with a baseball bat and came towards India swinging. Tamaria armed herself with a razor blade knife but did not engage in using it. The son (and boyfriend), Saladine Armour, was finally able to intervene and grab the baseball bat from his girlfriend to protect his mother. He was able to tell police what happened, as above, and Timaria was taken into custody.

Timaria Deberry, 22, was charged with assault, and felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and is held in lieu of a $22,500 bond in the Metro Jail.

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