Nashville Woman suing for $1,000,000 after boyfriend butt-dialed her during sex with another man for 1hr 28 min

Nashville Woman suing for $1,000,000 after boyfriend butt-dialed her during sex with another man for 1hr 28 min

NASHVILLE, TN – A Nashville woman is suing for $1,000,000 after a man she was dating for 4 years accidentally butt-dialed her in the midst of a sexual encounter with another man, which lasted 1 hour and 28 minutes. She later learned she was infected with an incurable STD.

The woman, who the court has allowed to file under the pseudonym ‘P.H.’, said her and Gregory Cole, of Brentwood, first met in 2010, and then reconnected in 2014, and formed a sexual relationship which lasted until 2018, and she believed Cole to be heterosexual, and monogamous, until April of 2018, when Gregory Cole accidentally called the woman from his cell phone during a sexual encounter with another man, and the phone call lasted one hour and twenty-eight minutes. The woman says she listened to the entire call, which included explicit sexual conversation and narrating various actions in which he and his male partner were engaging.

She later contacted him about what she had overheard, but he refused to speak with him about it. She decided to get tested for STD, and learned she was infected with HSV-2, genital herpes, which is incurable. She attempted to discuss the matter with Cole, as did her physician, but he refused to have any such conversation. She had previously tested negative for STD’s, and says she had not had any other sexual partners since.

The lawsuit, with seeks $1,000,000.00, alleges battery, infliction of emotional distress, both intentional and neglect, negligence, and fraud. A full copy of the lawsuit is below, or download here.

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