Anthony Giglio stabs his girlfriend’s tire when she tries to leave him

Police say 42-year-old Anthony Giglio threw the phone of his girlfriend, Petra Bouije, against a wall and used a kitchen knife to stab the tire of her vehicle Tuesday afternoon. Petra says she went to her boyfriend’s home to pack up her belongings, and he began to yell at her and took the phone from her hands, and threw it against the wall. When she went to retrieve her phone, he reportedly got between her and the door and refused to let her leave the residents. She escaped out the back door of the home, and as she came around the corner, she witnessed him using a kitchen knife to stab her tire. She got into her car, locked the doors, and waited for the police to arrive.

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Tourist Justin Martin drunk and disorderly in Nashville for New Year’s Eve

Metro Nashville Police responded to a call on Georgia Court in the early hours of Sunday morning to find 36-year-old Justin Martin extremely intoxicated and having trouble standing. Martin told police he was from out of town and was visiting friends but wasn’t sure where they were all staying or how to get in touch with them. Unable to provide any information to get him to a safe place, Martin was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Brian Austell found intoxicated and urine soaked after New Year’s Eve celebration downtown

46-year-old Brian Jeffrey Austell fell to the ground and urinated on himself after Metro Nashville Police found him inside Bridgestone Arena just after 2 a.m. on January 1st. Officers had approached him and offered medical assistance due to his obvious state of intoxication, which he refused before falling over. Officers attempted to locate anyone that was with Austell or where he was staying, but he was unable to assist himself in not going to jail.

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Alliyah Wright charged with DUI after drinking at Antioch bar

21-year-old Alliyah Wright told police she only had “a mixed drink” at a Bell Road bar several hours prior to being stopped for weaving while driving just after 1 a.m. on January 1st on Smith Springs Road. Officers say they initiated a traffic stop after she crossed into the center lane multiple times and went from fast to slow speeds. She was reportedly confused and reeked of alcohol. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, Wright was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

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Paulo Palrao bounced from Lucky’s Bar in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Paulo Palrao was kicked out of Lucky’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning after staff said he became disorderly inside the bar and to other patrons. Once outside the bar, he continued to fight with bouncers due to his belief he was mistreated while being escorted out of the bar. An officer wrote, “it was evident due to the suspect’s undiminished agitation that his behavior was likely to continue.”

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Garrett Nash charged in assault of girlfriend after night of drinking on New Year’s Eve

26-year-old Garrett Nash and his girlfriend, Savannah Gulley Decker, were drinking with friends in downtown Nashville on New Year’s Eve when they got into a verbal argument. They shared an Uber back to Lichey Ave, where each had parked their own car at a friend’s home for the evening. As they waited there in their separate vehicles for the homeowner to also return, Garrett reportedly became impatient and wanted to return home to Clarksville. He reportedly demanded his girlfriend get into his car so they could leave, and she refused. She says he then pulled on both of her arms, leaving red marks on them. The homeowner arrived and asked Garrett to leave, but he refused. Officers then responded to the scene and determined him to be the primary aggressor in a domestic assault, and he was transported to jail.

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Hudson Harrell charged with DUI, wants to take more tests, blows double legal limit

Police say 22-year-old Hudson Harrell crashed his 2016 Infiniti Q50 on I-24 in the early hours of Monday morning after drinking in downtown Nashville. He told police he was “unsure” how his car ended up in a ditch but stated he consumed “1-2 drinks” prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and after he was under arrest, he repeatedly asked to take more tests. Once at booking, they granted his wish with a breathalyzer, on which he blew a 0.180% BAC, more than double the legal limit to drive.

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Christin Blankenship Austin punches boyfriend until he’s bloody in Nashville hotel room

39-year-old Christin Blankenship Austin is charged with the assault of her boyfriend, Kyle Simmons, at a downtown Nashville Hotel. The two were out exploring downtown Friday night and, as they returned to their hotel room, began to argue. During the walk to the room, Christin reportedly hit Kyle in the back of the head, and he informed her he was gathering his things and leaving. Once both were in the room, he says she punched him in the mouth and hit him in the back of the head again as he was collecting his belongings. During the struggle, his finger was also slammed in a door. Officers documented blood on his mouth and that his finger was injured. Christin was determined to be the primary aggressor and was charged with domestic assault and transported to booking.

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Andrew Stone charged in auto theft after argument about Christmas Giving

37-year-old Andrew Stone was reportedly arguing with his ex-girlfriend/roommate, Karen Van Winkle, late on December 26th over Christmas gifts. Karen told police Andrew was upset, claiming she didn’t do anything for him. As she walked away to avoid the confrontation, she says he followed her around the house and blocked doorways while yelling at her. She says she was very intimidated and in fear for her safety, due to a prior incident in California when he struck her in the face. He then drove off in her van, which he had never driven and had no permission to take. It was recovered a few blocks away, and Stone had fled the scene.

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Charles Denig rang in the new year with a drunken fight in downtown Nashville

27-year-old Charles Denig was fighting near 1st & Broadway in downtown Nashville on January 1st. Officers observed the fighting behavior and separated the two involved individuals, and attempted to get them to go on their way. As they spoke with Denig, they realized his extreme level of intoxication prevented him from caring for himself, and he continued to cause a disturbance. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Tourist Adam Perkins punches cop twice, free on pre-trial release

33-year-old North Carolina tourist Adam Perkins caught the attention of Metro Nashville Police after he was observed walking in traffic at 5th & Broadway late Saturday night. As officers approached to check on his welfare, it was immediately apparent he was extremely intoxicated. Officers attempted to guide him out of the road and back to the sideway, but Perkins refused. He began to yell and scream at officers and punched Sgt. EricPetlewski in the chest twice, while screaming “take me to jail!” As officers were taking Perkins into custody, he pulled away from officers and kicked at the windows inside the patrol car until he was placed into hobble restraints for transport.

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Robert Holmes charged with drug possession after DUI crash on Dickerson Pike

30-year-old Robert Holmes crashed his vehicle near Dickerson Pike and Grace Street late Friday night and admitted to consuming alcohol earlier in the day. Social media posts show Holmes drinking with friends at a restaurant just prior to driving. Responding officers say he smelled of alcohol and had trouble standing and speaking coherently. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, Holmes was taken into custody. A subsequent inventory search of his vehicle prior to towing resulted in the seizure of 9.39 grams of marijuana in a Tupperware container.

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Florida man Matthew Shinn pulls shirt over bouncer’s head and punches him

33-year-old Florida man Matthew Shinn faces multiple charges after police say he flipped a middle finger to staff at Nudie’s Honky Tonk Friday night before getting into a fight with bouncer Buck Buchanan. After Shinn was asked to leave for his disruptive “rude and obscene” behavior, he chest-bumped Buchanan twice, and after the bouncer fell to the floor, Shinn pulled the victim’s shirt over his head and punched him twice, leaving him with visible injuries.

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Bartender Ashland Ghaffari arrested while drunk at work at Bar East

26-year-old Ashland Mariah Ghaffari was working at Bar East on Woodland Street on New Year’s Eve when staff called police due to her extreme level of intoxication and causing issues at her place of employment. Staff attempted to arrange for her to take an Uber home, but she was combative. Officers arrived, and she began to yell and argue with them. As she was being taken into custody for public intoxication after refusing to arrange a ride, she resisted being cuffed and refused to get into the patrol car.

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