Germari Jones steals & pawns the airpods of the man he’s spending the night with

Jakir Wills says he had 19-year-old Germari Jones over to sleep at his house on September 24th & 25th. After Jones left, he was unable to locate his AirPods. Using the tracker feature, he pinpointed them to be at the Easy Pawn on Dickerson Pike. Police contacted the pawn shop, which provided a copy of the ID used to pawn the AirPods, which belonged to Gemari Jones. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Jones and was served on him Tuesday after he was in a traffic collision, and his name was run through the police database.

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Porshia Buchanan doesn’t accept relationship is over, attacks lover & rips her bra, breaks coffee table, destroys kitchen

34-year-old Porshia Buchanan has been in a relationship with Santarius Bradford for “several years,” according to a police report, until recently, when Ms. Bradford ended the relationship. Ms. Buchanan, however, did not end the relationship and continues to threaten her ex-lover. Police say Buchanan walked into Bradford’s apartment and assaulted her, grabbing her by the shirt and tearing her bra, breaking the living room table, and pouring water onto the couch. She then swiped everything off the kitchen counters and table, telling the victim she’d have a male friend “get her.”

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Maya Tolliver drove to Vanderbilt, parked on sidewalk, picked her own hospital room to rest in

Police say 32-year-old Maya Tolliver drove to Vanderbilt Hospital and parked her car on the sidewalk outside of the hospital. She then walked inside, took an elevator to the 5th floor, where she located a vacant patient room, and made herself at home. Nurses located Tolliver and contacted police. Officers say she reeked of alcohol and marijuana and was unaware of her current surroundings. She was verbally aggressive in response to questions. An officer asked if she would like to seek medical treatment via the ED since she was already at Vanderbilt, to which she replied: “you can go seek help!” She was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Ronaldo Morris charged in assault of alleged lover who says he saw him with a woman

Police arrived at the South Nashville apartment of 20-year-old Ronaldo Morris and Jason Tyrese Daley in the early hours of Sunday morning to a report of the two fighting. Daley told police the two are lovers and in a dating relationship; however, Morris denied that and said the two are simply just roommates. Daley stated they got into an argument in his bedroom after he saw Morris with a woman. The argument escalated when Morris reportedly pushed Daley in the face and scratched him on the hands and neck. A video recording captured the incident and shows the victim backing away while Morris assaults him multiple times. and officers documented a cut on the victim’s lip, hand, and neck.

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Newton ‘NJ’ Ford calls concierge a b*tch, and a bystander a ‘midget’ during Skyhouse confrontation

Police say 36-year-old Newton ‘NJ’ Ford attempted to get into the SkyHouse apartments tower when the concierge stopped him as he was not a resident had didn’t have any authorization to be there. This resulted in Ford hurling obscenities at the concierge, such as “b**ch,” and stating he would spit in her face if it weren’t illegal. While police were there, Ford had reentered the lobby with a resident and continued where he left off with the verbal assault on the concierge. A bystander in the lobby, David Malinosky, had identified Ford, to which he replied “I’ll fight you, midget!” — Officers noted Ford was only three inches taller than the bystander. He then pumped out his chest in a laughable attempt to intimidate the bystander. He was also in possession of 4 grams of marijuana at the time of his arrest.

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Jail Call: Akeen Warner begs that he “doesn’t wanna end up on Scoop” for child rape

36-year-old Akeen Warner was arrested on September 11th after he returned to the home of his ex-girlfriend after an argument. His ex, Doresha Blakely, was still hiding in the bathroom, which he entered while holding a gun at his side. As police arrived and knocked on the door, he demanded the victim move to the back bedroom with the juvenile children and remain quiet. He eventually surrendered to SRT officers after they arrived and de-escalated the situation. At some point during the incident, the victim retained Warnier’s cell phone.

At a later time, the victim would receive a phone call from one of Warner’s friends, asking her to delete specific images from his cell phone which captured him raping a five-year-old child. On a recorded jail phone call, he begged her not to tell the police, stating, “I don’t want to end up on Scoop!” [details in the linked story may be graphic]

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Former State Rep Jeremy Durham charged with DUI in late night downtown Nashville crash

Former State Representative Jeremy Durham was arrested overnight by the Metro Nashville Police Department. He is charged with driving under the influence, resisting arrest, and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. A judicial commissioner set his bond at $2,000, and the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office gave him pre-trial release from their facility.

Just after 11 p.m. Saturday, Metro Nashville police responded to 1st & Broadway, where 38-year-old Jeremy Durham was involved in a motor vehicle collision. Officer Cote observed indicators of impairment to include slurred speech, dilated pupils, and Durham was unsteady on his feet.

Mr. Durham tried to walk away, at which point he was detained in a patrol car. Officers report they could smell the obvious odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath and person, his eyes were bloodshot and watery, and his speech appeared slow and mumbled.

When requested to perform field sobriety tests, Durham simply replied, “lawyer,” and gave the same answer repeatedly when asked about a blood test. Due to the other driver being injured, a search warrant was requested for Durham’s blood.

During a search incident to the arrest of Durham, officers located a green metal grinder with marijuana residue. He was additionally charged with possession of paraphernalia. When Officer Cote was placing him in handcuffs, he physically resisted by trying to pull away from Officer Cote, trying to prevent being secured in handcuffs.

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Felicia Smith jailed on 19-year-old warrant for theft from her then-employer, Home Depot

45-year-old Felicia Smith is free on pre-trial release after she was booked last week on a 19-year-old warrant charging her with taking $700 from her cash drawers when she was employed by Bellevue Home Depot in 2003. The warrant says she confessed to the theft at the time, but she was never booked on the warrant, which remained open all these years. She took the $700 between June and September of 2003. She is scheduled to appear in court in December.

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Murphy Reid headbutts & strangles girlfriend after she discloses a dream she had about him

Madeline Deyes says she had a dream about her 22-year-old boyfriend, Murphy Dean Reid, and when she told him about it, he assaulted her. Reid reportedly misunderstood or misinterpreted what she was telling about her dream and accused her of throwing “slick shots at him.” according to a police report. He became extremely upset, and Madeline retreated to the bedroom, confused by his reaction. Reid then followed her and used both hands to strangle her from the front until she had difficulty breathing. When she tried to fight him off, she says he headbutted her. He eventually stopped the assault and packed his things as she demanded he leaves. Medics transported Deyes to the hospital for her injuries, and a warrant was issued for Reid’s arrest, on which he was booked this week.

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Tourist Jonathan Becnel so drunk the jail refused to take him #VisitMusicCity

21-year-old Jonathan Patrick Becnel was sitting on the ground outside of Nudie’s Honky Tonk when officers working the Entertainment District Initiative stopped to check on his welfare as he appeared very intoxicated and unable to care for himself. Becnel was unable to stand on his own, and as officers attempted to get him to medics, he began to push and get away. He was then taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest as he was combative during the entire encounter. Once at booking, DCSO staff refused to accept Becnel due to his extreme level of intoxication, so he was then taken to Metro General Hospital via ambulance.

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Ohio’s Thomas Gattuso assaults downtown Hilton employees with glass plate & metal spatula

Armed with a glass dinner plate and a metal spatula, 21-year-old Thomas Gattuso walked into the kitchen of the Hilton Hotel in downtown Nashville as the staff was wrapping up for the night and attempted to start a fight that even Gordon Ramsay would be impressed by. Gattuso entered the hotel, where he was not a guest, and became aggressive with the kitchen staff. As one of them called security, Gattuso threw his glass dinner plate and struck one of the employees in the back of the head. The employee had to be transported to the hospital due to his injuries. He then used the metal spatula to attempt to make contact with another employee’s head. Hotel security detained Gattuso until police arrived, and described him as “out of it” and “very intoxicated.”

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Fort Campbell’s Christopher Jones arrested after drunken traffic cone rage in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville encountered 32-year-old Christopher Benjamin Jones of Fort Campbell, KY, near 1st & Broadway. Officers watched Jones as he was in a “highly agitated state” while talking on the phone with his wife. They watched as he kicked a traffic cone across three lanes of traffic, with approximately twenty pedestrians nearby. He refused to listen to officers and admitted to drinking. Due to his highly intoxicated state, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Antioch: Red Lobster employee Devin Cole Smith charged in assault of co-worker at restaurant

27-year-old Devin Cole Smith is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he threw items at a co-worker, including a metal pitcher from the kitchen of the restaurant. Smith had just been disciplined at the Antioch restaurant, and afterward, he started an argument with Angela Castillo, with whom he had a “recent conflict,” according to the police report. He became verbally aggressive and followed her behind the bar, where he grabbed a carton of liquid and tossed it at her head. She was able to avoid a direct hit, but the carton busted and soaked her. Unhappy with his initial performance, Smith then grabbed a metal pitcher, which he also threw at Castillo. She also avoided this impact, as the pitcher shattered a nearby wine bottle instead.

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Tourist Richard Anthony says someone else must have assaulted his girlfriend in their hotel room — #ItWasntMe

Crystal Meyer reported that her boyfriend, 46-year-old Richard Allen Anthony, slapped her and gouged her eye before he left their hotel room at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, where they were visiting from Oklahoma. Metro Nashville Police arrived, and officers documented swelling on the victim, and her eye was red. Officers located Anthony, who told them nothing happened and “perhaps she got into it with someone else after I left the room.” Hotel security checked the cameras, and no one entered or left other than Anthony.

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Jordan Higgins smashes ex-wife’s windshield when she picks him up at airport

When 44-year-old Jordan Higgins was picked up by his ex-wife at the Nashville International Airport on October 18th, the pair argued and were immediately disagreeable. Jordan became so upset he struck the windshield of Olivia’s car, breaking it, and injuring his hand. The two then continued their journey back to their shared residence in Murfreesboro but only got to Donelson Pike and Airport Center Drive before they were involved in an automobile crash. As officers inquired about the broken windshield, Jordan admitted to smashing it, and stated he’d “rather hurt something material than his wife.”

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DUI: Mark Newman found asleep behind the wheel at an intersection in Antioch

Metro Nashville Police located 40-year-old Mark Newman asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle at the intersection of Murfreesboro Pike and Bell Road just before 1 a.m. Wednesday, where he had been for at least 20 minutes, according to calls from witnesses. The white Chevy Silverado was in drive, and Newman’s foot was on the brake. NFD medics woke Newman up, and he admitted to consuming “4-5 beers” at a bar prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

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DUI: David Dybala charged after crashing on Broadway and fleeing the scene

Metro Nashville Police say 39-year-old David Dybala crashed his vehicle into another near 1100 Broadway Wednesday and fled the scene. Officer located him as he was driving away toward the interstate onramp. Officers approached the vehicle, which stopped, and Dybala exited without any prompting. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and had trouble standing. He refused field sobriety tests but was unable to follow simple instructions, such as sitting on a concrete slab.

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Brad Biwer charged after woman says he punched her and touched her without consent

Anne Maus was at a house party where her boyfriend was performing in December of 2017, where she says she was dancing when 28-year-old Bradley Biwer rubbed up against her back. She says she told him to stop, and she continued dancing when only moments later, Biwer returned from behind and grabbed her wrist. She says she once again told him to leave her alone, and that request was met with a punch from his fist to her face. Biwer fled the scene, and a warrant was later issued for his arrest after she identified him from a photo line-up. Biwer was booked on the outstanding charge this week.

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