Dusty Hallock charged with stalking ex with Apple Air Tags, changing locks on her home

31-year-old Dusty Hallock is free on a $6,000 bond, but that’s after weeks of his ex-girlfriend begging police to even arrest him. The couple broke up in February, and he has refused to stop contacting her. The victim, Courtney Baird, has made report after report of his activities thru March when she also obtained an order of protection which was not served. In late March, she also obtained a criminal stalking warrant which was unserved until his current arrest. She was afraid to even return to her own apartment for most of the month of March, and when she did the locks had been changed, however, her management confirmed they didn’t make the changes, and it wasn’t even their type of locks. When she returned she heard audible pings from inside her closet and discovered an Apple AirTag had been hidden inside a purse, and her clothing had been disturbed. She was then near Smyrna when she got an alert she was being tracked by another AirTag, and alerted authorities there, who located it attached to her vehicle with a magnet. Hallock was eventually arrested this week, spending a few hours before bonding out on the charges of stalking, motor vehicle tracking, and aggravated criminal trespass.

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Kenny Rambo admits to drinking before crash, running from police, is only charged with fleeing the scene of an accident without reporting it

36-year-old Kenneth Rambo crashed his vehicle near Old Hickory Blvd and Noel Drive, however, when officers arrived he fled from them. Later on the following morning, citizens reported a man who might need assistance just down the road, he matched the description of the man who fled in the crash, with the addition of being mud-covered, and now minus a shoe. Officers made contact with Rambo, who admitted to drinking at the hockey game prior to driving and crashing, stating he had “two beers” at the Predators game before the crash, but states he “blacked out” and remembers nothing past when the team was down 2-0, however, the final score was a 4-0 loss much later. Police only charged him with leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it, and a commissioner granted him pre-trial release.

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Myron Perry charged with burglary of ex-girlfriend’s bedroom #CaughtOnCamera

Police say a security camera caught 27-year-old Myron ‘Tank’ Perry entering the locked bedroom door of his ex-girlfriend (who is also his current roommate with separate bedrooms), and leaving with something in his hands. He returns again, enters the room, and exits with a flat item this time. The victim, Kayla Currie, was notified of the activity via an app on her phone. She returned home to find $700 in cash and an Amazon Fire Tablet missing from her bedroom. Perry is charged with felony burglary, and told police he never entered the bedroom, despite him clearly doing so on the recording, which was archived for court.

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German Zepeda says he only smoked “one blunt” prior to DUI crash

20-year-old German Zepeda was driving in Antioch when was driving on the wrong side of the road and crashed head-on into another vehicle. His two juvenile passengers, ages 14 & 17, both sustained injuries. He initially claimed his brakes were faulty, causing the crash, however, police noticed his eyes were extremely watery and he was slow to respond to commands and answer questions. Zepeda denied drinking, however, admitted to smoking one marijuana-filled blunt, approximately ten minutes prior to driving.

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Oscar Vasquez free on pre-trial release after multiple DUI crashes in a row, including into a fire engine

While Nashville Fire Department medics were responding to a crash of 27-year-old drunk driver Oscar Vasquez, he struck a fire engine with his vehicle and fled the scene. Officer made contact with him a short distance away, where he had crashed into yet another vehicle. Vasquez admitted to drinking “3 drinks” but claimed it was a couple of hours prior to driving. Inside his vehicle, officers located several open containers some with residual alcohol still inside. He is free on pre-trial release and had no driver’s license.

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Audria Denning charged after bringing her ‘girl squad’ to assault her ex-lover & his prized car

20-year-old Audria Marie Denning was jailed this week after she, accompanied by her two juvenile sisters, appeared at the home of her ex-boyfriend, Nesseam Alidani, six weeks after the breakup. She reportedly learned he had a new girlfriend and brought her girl squad to damage and dent his car. She then called and told him to come outside and look at his car, at which time all three girls attacked him. The victim states he was able to avoid being injured by deflecting the multiple and repeated hits with his arms.

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Matthew Hall replaced expensive Best Buy orders with cheaper items during deliveries

24-year-old Matthew Hall was jailed this week on two outstanding warrants stemming from his work as a Roadie delivery driver for Best Buy. An investigation showed that on multiple occasions he pick up an expensive item at Best Buy for delivery to a customer, but replace it with a much cheaper item, which was delivered to the customer’s home. One of the customers received a Walmart alarm clock instead of the Samos Speakers Hall had been entrusted with, while another ordered a $700 Google Pixel phone and received a $20 Nintendo Switch adapter. During the investigation, he implicated himself in the thefts by stating “Well, what if I know what happened to the phone, what’s the best way to handle the situation?”

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Gopathy Purushothaman knocks ex-wife down at door, steps over her to get inside her home

52-year-old Gopathy Purushothaman is charged with the domestic assault of his ex-wife, Shrimalini Jayaramaraja. A custody arrangement states Purushothaman isn’t allowed inside his ex-wife’s home during the change of their 14-year-old son, who has Autism and must wait outside in the car for the child to be brought outside. Last week, Gopathy reportedly came knocking on the front door, then pushed the door open, knocking the victim to the ground, and stepping over her as she fell onto the floor. Police documented bruising on the victim and took out a warrant for his arrest.

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Zurii De-Sean McGee Stines charged with stealing cousin’s money via CashApp transactions

33-year-old Zurii De-Sean McGee Stines was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant charging her with theft of property from her cousin, Tattiauana Davis. After noticing funds were missing from her bank account, an investigation revealed Zurii had used Tattiauana’s phone multiple times over a seven-week period, during which time she used the victim’s CaspApp to transfer a total of $860 to herself.

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Employees charged with stealing tires from Dunlap & Kyle Tire— Bryan Hagenbuch & Zachary Orr

24-year-old Bryan Hagenbuch & 30-year-old Zachary Orr are both charged in a plot to steal from their employer, Dunlap & Kyle Tire Company. Management became aware of the thefts of approximately 100 tires when they noticed the pair were loading tires into their personal vehicles to take them to resell, after removing them from the company’s inventory system. Management was able to obtain an audio recording of Orr confessing to stealing tires for “approximately two months”. While the investigation is ongoing, the current estimated loss is at least $5,000. A third person is mentioned in the investigation but had not been charged at the time of publication.

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Poop covered tourist Alex Ray Hall fights cops & doctors after Nashville public intoxication arrest

Police found 29-year-old Alex Ray Hall, much as they would any other drunken tourist — staggering down the 400 block of Broadway, unable to maintain his balance. As they attempted to help him to the sidewalk for his safety, however, Hall threatened to assault the officers if they touched him. This began an arrest for public intoxication, which, once again, could have been a small dent in Mr. Hall’s night, however, he made other life choices. By the time Hall was being placed in the car due to his level of public intoxication, he had urinated and dedicated on himself and was described as a “large man of 6’3” stature, at least 250 pounds, and had consumed a “vast amount of alcohol”, much of which was now urine on his clothing as he exhibited escalating behavior.

During a medical clearance, Hall threatened medical staff and officers and headbutted Officer Caillouette. Officer had to trap and hold one of Hall’s legs, both of which were “covered in poop”, as he continued to kick at medical staff and officers using the exposed “poop”. Police reports note “it was only with multiple officers that he gave up and went into the vehicle with much effort… he continued to use his body weight and drunk strength to actively resist arrest efforts.

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DUI: Nashville Attorney Johnny Walker threatens to have cops fired who won’t let him call his wife

You’ve seen their commercials on every media outlet in town… the father and son duo touting “Walker & Walker Disability Law”. Overnight, you can now see their character behind those suits, as son Johnny Walker reminded officers he was an attorney on multiple occasions during a DUI traffic crash with a car full of open containers, and that his father was former state Senator (and famed disability lawyer) Mike Walker – and repeatedly implied his father would make sure the MNPD officers lost their jobs for not immediately allowing him to call his wife during his arrest. He is free on a $2,000 bond, and likely quite the bruised ego.

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At dinner, man tells wife he’s staying with a different woman for the night — Joey Ryder arrested

Megan Ryder says she and her husband, 26-year-old Joey Ryder, were attending a convention at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Nashville this week when they had dinner at the Cinco De Mayo restaurant nearby and he disclosed he wanted to stay with a different woman for the night. The suggestion was not taken well by his wife, and she ended up outside the restaurant, where he reportedly snuck up behind her and asked if she was OK, as she now refused to leave with him. He reportedly “scooped her up like a child” and stuffed her into the passenger seat of his vehicle, while becoming more aggressive and forceful. She says he pushed her head into the window three times, and then pushed her into the radio. She convinced him to let her out at the Best Western on Division Street where she called the police while he stood beside her.

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Kallie Byrum (Capps) vandalizes an entire apartment with fruit after her wifi is canceled

Police charged 32-year-old Kallie Byrum (Capps) with vandalism after responding to an address on Hillmeade Drive where her cousin, Joshua Hicks, had asked her to leave the property. As she refused to leave and the argument escalated, she became angrier as she learned her wifi access had been canceled at the residence. Police say she there fruit all over the location, and broke a fruit stand. Police documented “plenty of evidence of throwing fruit all over the apartment”, and she confessed to the crime.

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Another tourist who wasn’t prepared for Nashville’s liquor — Austin Joseph Barnes arrested

25-year-old Austin Barnes told Metro Nashville Police he was in Oklahoma City when they found him too drunk to stand up at the entrance to the Drury Plaza Hotel in downtown Nashville Thursday. He was unable to provide which actual hotel he was staying at and was deemed too intoxicated to remain safely by himself. With no friends to care for him, he was taken into custody and transported to booking.

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Lindsay-Ray Millard charged after assaulting husband at an intersection while he was driving

Jonathon Ballard was driving himself and his wife, 34-year-old Lindsay-Ray Christine Millard, home after being out at multiple bars on April 20th, when he says she “lashed out” after being triggered by an event from earlier in the night and violently attacked him at an intersection. Polie documented injuries to include multiple cuts and dried blood on the victim. The investigation also revealed she had an outstanding warrant for violating an active order of protection from sending him an email in February after being served.

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Jayla Wiggins faces felony after pushing past child’s father with a gun in her handbag to retrieve child

Police say 23-year-old Jayla Wiggins pushed her past the father of her child as he stood at the front door of his home in an effort to retrieve the child from the inside. She had a handgun in her handbag and threatened to “shoot this M-FCKR UP” during the scuffle. In an attempt to restrain her from entering his residence, the victim, Segmund Gordon, Jr., sustained injuries to his arms, hands, and chest. She also vandalized a nearby sliding door during her rage. Wiggins is charged with felony aggravated burglary and is free on a $5,000 bond.

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Esther Martinez offered to carry out sex scenes from “Bridgerton” for MNPD Officer to let her go #ThisIsRealLife

After crashing her car, 32-year-old Esther Martinez explained to Officer Growneweg that she had just come from watching the show Bridgerton while drinking heavily, to celebrate graduating from rehab earlier in the day, celebrating two months of sober-living housing. She was drinking tequila, straight from the bottle, per her own account, along with prescription pills. As it was being explained she was being arrested and charged with DUI, she proceeded to make continued and progressive sexual comments, which she says came from acting out scenes from the Bridgerton show, toward the officer. She talked about showing her breasts to maybe dissuade the DUI charge, even offering sex or oral sex in the back of the patrol car in exchange for a total release from custody. She told the officer the show had made her horny like this.

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Paul Tirado found “no so lucky” outside Lucky Bastard Saloon in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Enforcement Initiative this weekend encountered 35-year-old Paul Tirado outside the Lucky Bastard Saloon, barely able to stand on his own and causing an extreme disturbance to those around him. He was asked to leave multiples times and refused. Unable to locate anyone to care for him, he was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

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