Tourist ‘covered in soot’ goes on rampage in Printers Alley, rips off bumper, headlights — Zachary Allor arrested #VisitMusicCity

22-year-old Zachary John Allor, of Michigan, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail just before 1 a.m. Friday after police say he was under the influence of an unknown intoxicant in Printers Alley. They found him rolling around on the ground, covered in soot, and eventually went on a rampage, ripping an entire bumper and headlights from a nearby vehicle. #VisitMusicCity

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Teen charged with strangling his husband while he slept — Pedro Castro arrested

18-year-old Pedro Castro is jailed tonight in lieu of a $15,000 bond after police say he came into his bedroom intoxicated, grabbed his sleeping husband by the throat while he was sleeping, and choked him until just before he lost consciousness. Police documented marks and scratches on the victim. Castro fled the scene before police arrived, and a felony warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Grandmother pulls golf club on grandchild who poured out her liquor — Wanda Webster, Aggravated Assault w/Deadly Weapon

57-year-old Wanda Fay Webster tells police she was planning on “whopping her granddaughter’s butt” for acting unruly but when she poured out a bottle of liquor in her kitchen she grabbed a golf club instead. The juvenile victim says told police her grandmother threatened her with the golf club and pushed her over the stove. The victim pushed her grandmother, in self-defense, knocking her onto the kitchen table and onto the floor. Granny is free on a $1,000 bond, after spending about 8 hours in jail.

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Man charged with assaulting former employee outside Nashville courthouse — Robert Joiner arrested

57-year-old Robert Keith Joiner was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday on an outstanding warrant alleging he grabbed a former employee by the neck as he was exiting the courthouse and pushed him into a wall where he continued to assault the victim and take his cell phone, which he was using to record. The victim was treated for a hip and head contusion at a local hospital. A commissioner released Joiner, who is from Colorado, on his own recognizance without posting a bond.

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Man charged with indecent exposure after multiple ‘pantless & perky’ incidents at QNTM Fit Life — Dave Stephenson

36-year-old Dave Andre Stephenson was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday after detectives identified him as the man that has been spotted “pantless and perky” in the downtown Nashville parking lot behind QNTM Fit Life multiple times in the past two months. He would frequently exit his blue 2015 Hyundai Elantra naked from the waist down, while carrying out inappropriate sexual behavior in front of women going to and from the gym. He was freed on pre-trial release just four hours after being booked into jail.

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Nick La Mattina runs wife off road, breaks into home, tears down door, destroys bedroom

Nashville Jail Monday on outstanding warrants from an August incident in which he is alleged to have run his soon-to-be ex-wife off the road, followed her to her home where he doesn’t live, broke into the home, followed her up a set of stairs, tore down a door and threw it down the stairs, then destroyed the bedroom while the victim was locked in a nearby bathroom. His mother arrived at the home and scared him away from the premises, and warrants were issued for his arrest. He is free on an $18,000 bond.

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Woman charged with egging car & slashing three tires at Amazon warehouse — Rodesha Eady

25-year-old Rodesha Eady was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Sunday on an outstanding warrant which details she admitted to egging and slashing three tires on a vehicle at the Amazon warehouse on Brick Church Pike in Nashville.

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“I’ve been high for 17 years”, Tony Earl Mitchell tells officers as he being arrested #PublicIntoxication

Mitchell was then placed into custody for public intoxication. On the way to booking, Mitchell stated, “if I wasn’t half-drunk already, I’d pour you a drink” and “I’ve been high for 17 years”. 54-year-old Tony Earl Mitchell was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Sunday.

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Nashville musician offers to f-*- Watertown Police Officer “in the booty” during rant after arrest — Arthur Robinson

45-year-old Arthur ‘Arty’ Robinson work at Paradise Park on his motorcycle, and by the time he reached Watertown city limits he was doing 73 in a 45 mph zone, which was the most exciting moment the tiny town of 1500’s police department had for the entire week. After officer Nick Deck made the arrest for DUI, Robinson decided to unleash a verbal assault on Officer Deck, offering to “f— you in the booty”, and detailing what a “sad b—-” the officer was. It’s so graphic, you’ll have to click for the details…

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Tourist tosses wife onto the ground on Broadway in front of officers — Wes Morris arrested #VisitMusicCity

39-year-old Wes Morris, from Lousiville, KY, was walking near an intersection in downtown Nashville when officers say they observed him grab his wife around the neck/shoulders and throw her to the ground during an argument. Police say both parties were heavily intoxicated. Morris is charged with domestic assault and public intoxication.

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Man charged with public intoxication in bathroom of AJ’s Good Time Bar on Broadway — Stephan Hale

40-year-old Stephan Jesse Hale was found heavily intoxicated in the bar of AJ’s Good Time Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville by security, who called MNPD. Hale refused to leave and became aggressive, making threats to security and officers. He was charged with public intoxication.

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Drunk man walks up to cops on Broadway, leans on an officer, refuses to leave — Dylan Cosner #PublicIntoxication

Metro Nashville Police say they were speaking to a group of citizens on Broadway in downtown Nashville when 23-year-old Dylan Scott Cosner walked up, stumbled around swaying, leans on an officer for balance, bumped into the other people, and was belligerent. Officers asked him to move along with his friends, but he refused and became verbally aggressive. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with public intoxication.

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Man pours seltzer on girlfriend, pretends to urinate on her clothes — Zachary Riddle #DomesticAssault

24-year-old Zachary Riddle is charged with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Syvashiona Bridgeforth, after a wild incident involving him pretending to urinate on her clothes, a potential breakup, him pouring a seltzer on her back, and her assaulting him with a pair of scissors. There’s also a crazy call with his mother you’ll have to click to read the details…

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Florida Man causes scene at Whiskey Bent Saloon after losing wallet — Justin Cook arrested

38-year-old Justin Cook, of Florida, says he lost his wallet at Whiskey Bent Saloon in downtown Nashville. During his search for it, he reportedly was pushing and shoving patrons, and when security intervened he resisted and fought with them, causing them to strike him in the face. Police were called, he continued to be belligerent and causing a scene, so he was taken into custody, charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Young, drunk, & disorderly in downtown Nashville: Conor Lynch & Ronan Callinan arrested

22-year-old Ronan John Callinan and 23-year-old Conor Joseph Lynch were reported to be causing disturbances on the streets of downtown Nashville, and officers eventually were able to catch up with them at which time it was obvious they were heavenly intoxicated. Callinan resisted detainment and arrest, flailed on the ground, attempted to kick an officer in the head, and continued to spit toward officers and in the patrol car. The pair was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail.

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She walked out on her tab at Kid Rock’s bar & bit security. It then took 4 MNPD officers to subdue her — Alianna Mendoza

Metro Nashville Police say it took 4 of their officers to get 32-year-old Alianna Nevah Mikeila Mendoza into a patrol car after she bit a security guard at Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville, after attempting to walk out without paying her tab. Once at booking, it took three officers to get her inside, despite her being in hobble restraints. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Man charged with threatening to stab people with a syringe at Broadway convenience store — Tyler Rasband

29-year-old Tyler Rasband was found at a Broadway convenience store in downtown Nashville wielding a syringe, threatening to stab people with it. An employee of the location attempted to get him to put the syringe away and leave the property, but police eventually had to be called to take him into custody. He is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and jailed in lieu of a $10,000 bond.

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The Playboi & The Pastor: Ty-Logan charged with assault of boyfriend after night at Play Dance Bar in Nashville

23-year-old model & influencer ‘Ty-Logan’ (Ty-Logan Carney II), who goes by @TyYonce on Instagram, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday night on an open domestic assault warrant. The warrant details that he and his boyfriend, Pastor D. Dewayne Nolan Jr. were outside Play Dance Bar Monday night “discussing their relationship” when Ty-Logan allegedly became upset, pushed the pastor, then took off his shirt and punched his lover in the face. He is free on a $2,500 bond

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Woman charged with assaulting boyfriend’s daughter during forced pregnancy test — Jamaica White

33-year-old Jamaica White was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday, charged with assaulting her boyfriend’s daughter by pulling her hair and punching her in the face, while the rather forced the daughter to take a pregnancy test. She is free on a $1,000 bond.

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Man claims Koala bear is sending electric shocks, knocking phone out of his hand — charged with misuse of 911

39-year-old Anthony Hodge called 911 fourteen times in two hours from Five Points in East Nashville Sunday night. He told dispatchers that a Koala bear was sending electric shocks to knock the phone out of his hand. He is charged with making non-emergency calls to 911.

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White Claws lead to BUI related charges at Party Cove for Taylor Hampton Elliott

An officer with the TWRA says 27-year-old Taylor Hampton Elliott gave the open can of White Claw he was drinking to a nearby swimmer as he approached him and his jet ski on Percy Priest Lake near Party Cove this weekend. Elliott is charged with being heavily intoxicated while recklessly operating a jet ski. BUI charges now carry the same weight as DUI charges in Tennessee. He is free on pre-trial release.

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MNPD says tourist slapped her fiance; He says she was smacking a fly — Mary Hatley arrested

MNPD Officer James Thornton was driving downtown when he says he says he had to stop his patrol car and make an immediate arrest after he says he observed a 21-year-old tourist Mary Hatley hit her fiance in the face with an open hand. The victim, Shane Cole, had no injuries, did not make a complaint, did not want to press charges, and says the officer misunderstood what he believed he observed, and his fiance was simply “smacking flies from his face”. Hatley posted a $1,000 cash bond after the state-mandated 12-hour domestic violence hold.

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Castrated man charged in rape of child, claims it was another personality, pens apology letter — Jeffrey Beckham arrested

43-year-old Jeffrey Beckham is jailed in lieu of a $100,000 bond after writing an apology letter to a 13-year-old victim he is accused of raping, admitting that one of his multiple personalities committed the crime, noting he can recall it in his own memory. The victim was able to positively identify Beckham, disclosing that he had no testicles. Metro Nashville detectives were able to confirm he was ‘all twig and no berries’. This story contains NSFW content.

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Man falls asleep behind the wheel in middle of the interstate — Jacob Sherlin

24-year-old Jacob Sherlin was found asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle, which was in the middle of I-65S at around 5 a.m. on August 30th. Police say he wasn’t intoxicated, showed no impairment, and quickly became alert and responsive. He was, however, driving on a suspended license, so he was transported to booking on that charge.

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Man complains to police that he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s Bar — Bryan Moore arrested #PublicIntoxication

27-year-old Bryan Moore was charged with public intoxication after he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville, then approached Nashville Police officers to make a complaint about his ouster. They advised him to leave the area, but he refused and began to bang on the door to the venue. During his arrest, a citizen also reported that Moore had assaulted him.

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