Nashville Inmate cuffed & beaten, Sheriff says ‘no injuries’, hospital says 5 broken ribs | Sheriff won’t release video

Nashville Sheriff Daron Hall admits 2 cameras recorded his guards placing handcuffs on an inmate, and moments later assaulting him. The Sheriff says the man wasn’t injured – but the hospital says he sustained 5 broken ribs. The Sheriff refuses to release either video, citing a law that covers ‘security layouts of government buildings’.

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Nashville Prostitutes Gone Wild: ran off road, stabbed with loaded needle for ‘taking her date’

At twenty minutes past midnight on Friday, Metro Police were dispatched to Summit Hospital for a report of an aggravated assault victim. The aggravated assault was between two known prostitutes on Murfreesboro Pike, when one accused the other of ‘taking her date’, ran her off the road, and stabbed her with a loaded needle, injecting the unknown contents into her.

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Girlfriend arrested: “I want him dead.. I tried to stab him twice..”

Arielle Pye, 25, was taken into custody on multiple charges Sunday, after police say she admitted to attempting to stab her boyfriend twice, and told police ‘i want him dead’. He called 911 when she refused to leave the home after an argument.

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Man struck Mercedes with Bird Scooter; “It’s a Nazi car”; urinates on himself

38-year-old Thomas Vinh Luu remains jailed on a $1,600 bond, after police say he attached a Mercedes with a Bird Scooter, telling police he struck it because “it’s a Nazi car”, and people “should buy American”, and urinating on himself.

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Metro Council Candidate says calling black women apes is ‘just humor’; businesses better without women

A candidate for Metro Council says it’s a ‘joke’ to call black women ‘apes’; women are only able to vote because ‘white men in power allowed it’; and has strong feelings on how women should dress and what jobs they can hold…
He hid this views to ‘friends only’ on his social media, but we’ve opened them up for the entire city. Meet Dan Meredith:

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Woman charged with 4th DUI: passed out behind the wheel on Suboxone, Gabapentin, Adderall, and Lithium.

48-year-old Barbara Montgomery is jailed on her 4th DUI charge, after MNPD found her passed out behind the wheel of her vehicle in a McDonald’s parking lot with her car in drive, and foot on the brake. She had taken Suboxone, Gabapentin, adderall, and Lithium.

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Man calls 911 25+ times, asks when officers are coming to kill him

Metro Nashville Police charged 55-year-old John Steverson with aggravated misuse of 911 Wednesday, after he called Nashville’s 911 system over two dozen times, asking when officers were coming to kill him.

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Heroin, Meth, Suboxone, Xanax, and Hydrocodone, oh my!

25-year-old Johnathan Dillon York and 23-year-old Barrie Denise Nash both remain in a Nashville jail Saturday, after police found the pair in a vehicle with a handgun and drugs, including Xanax, Hydrocodone, Heroin, Suboxone, and methamphetamine.

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Texans Player Ryan Griffin Arrested after punching out Hotel Indigo window

Metro Nashville Police late Friday night arrested Houston Texans tight end Ryan Griffin, 29, on charges of vandalism and public intoxication for punching out a front window of Hotel Indigo on Union Street downtown.

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Too Drunk for the Country Music Hall of Fame

22-year-old Lauren Ianni was determined to be too drunk for the draft. She was day drinking downtown Thursday, when Metro police took her into custody and charged her with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and trespass, when she was kicked out of the Country Music Hall of Fame, and came back to fight the security guards that kicked her out .

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Man avoids #KnockAndTalk, gets caught sneaking out when MNPD circles back

35-year-old Brandon Scott Alexander successfully avoided Metro Police Wednesday when they conducted a ‘knock-and-talk’ at his front door, citing a ‘narcotics complaint’. They left, he tried to sneak out, they circled back, and now he’s jailed in lieu of a $77,500 bond.

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Man charged with sending ex-girlfriend’s nude photo to her boss and co-workers

39-year-old Brian Michael Kirk is free on a $3,000 bond, after being charged with stalking and unlawful exposure. Metro Police say he sent nude photos of his ex-girlfriend to her boss and co-workers recently at 2:04 a.m., and at 2:54 a.m. texted her “Sorry, just put a whore out there”.

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Police say man consented to search of home with 16 marijuana plants inside

Metro Nashville Police say they received a drug complaint about a home on Idlewild Drive in Madison. Since they didn’t have enough probable cause for a search warrant, they conducted a knock-and-talk, and 35-year-old Sean Conway Campbell signed a search consent form for the residence.

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Woman charged with DUI (2nd) while driving ‘Fat Bottom Brewing’ branded company van

34-year-old Melissa Wilson, of Mt. Juliet, was driving the ‘Fat Bottom Brewing’ company van when she crashed at the I-40 entrance ramp. She blew a .199 BAC on a breath test, and told officers she “had a beer during lunch.”

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Housekeeper’s boyfriend admits to stealing client’s $6K wedding ring, pawning it

35-year-old Matthew S. Dies is jailed on a $10,000 bond this morning, charged with felony theft. Police say he stole a wedding ring from a home in August, when he went to work with his girlfriend, who is a housekeeper.

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Author Sherrilyn Kenyon jailed on contempt of court charge

New York Times best-selling author of the Dark Hunter series, Sherrilyn Kenyon was held in contempt of court in a Williamson County Courtroom Tuesday, and jailed on the charge

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“The drugs are mine, I have a right to get high”, says man to Metro Police. #Arrested

“The drugs are mine, I have a right to get high.” Those are some of the words Metro Police say 53-year-old Casey Jackson said to them during an arrest early Monday Morning in East Nashville.

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DUI Details: Nashville Fire Fighter had ‘3 beers’ before blowing .204% BAC

Nashville Fire Fighter Brandon Ray Womack told Goodlettsville Police he had “three one-pint beers, with a few pieces of chicken” a couple of hours prior to wrecking his vehicle and blowing a .204% BAC on a breath test.

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“I got tired of listening to her, so I grabbed my glass and swung”

“I got tired of listening to her, so I grabbed my glass and swung!” That’s the statement 24-year-old Chaselyn Chance gave Metro Police Friday as they charged her with aggravated assault with serious bodily injury at an East Nashville bar.

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Nashville attorney arrested; charged with lying to Metro Police

Nashville Attorney Newton Holiday, III, told Metro Police his vehicle was stolen by a woman he had “let stay at his house for the weekend”, however a confidential informant recorded a call with Holiday, where admits it was all a lie. The woman was Newton’s girlfriend and client.

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What’s in the car? Whiskey, Body Armor, a 20-gauge shotgun, and 150 rounds.

35-year-old Derek Ferrell was stopped by Nashville International Airport Police on April 9th at approximately 5:30 p.m., after he was observed driving erratically in an older model white Ford sedan. Inside the vehicle, police would find an open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe Whiskey, a 20-gauge shotgun, 150 rounds of ammo, and drug paraphernalia.

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