Officer Who Shot Man Had Previous Issues Controlling Suspects, Frequently Overpowered & Ignored

Officer Delke had little respect on the streets, has been overpowered, beat up, put in choke holds, even outright ignored by suspects as they moved the spotlight on his patrol car, teased him, and pushed him away so they can escape, & more..

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Nashville Uber Driver Escapes from Robbery & Carjacking Attempt

Uber driver Aaron Pettit says a woman tried to rob him of money and take his car. He told her he was armed with a knife, so she punched him in the face, while another man pulled a gun on him.

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Police Say 3-year-old May Have Shot Mother’s Boyfriend #Antioch

Spears’ 24-year-old girlfriend reports that she had just gotten home from work and was in the bathroom doing her hair when she heard a “pop”. She then looked to see Spears wounded and her 3-year-old son with a pistol in his hand.

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The Adrian Montgomery Murder: How It Happened (New Details)

SCOOP: Three close friends thought they were in on a plan to rob a drug dealer, but Laquan Redmon turned against the other two, murdering ‘A1’ Adrian Montgomery at point blank range in the back of the head, and attempting to murder Rodriquez Perkins as he fled.

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DCSO: Cocaine fell from his ‘Prison Pocket’ during Squat & Cough

Deputy Goodell stated he made Theodore Bell, 32, squat and cough. A clear plastic bag containing multiple smaller bags of cocaine came out of his anus. The clear plastic bag was covered in fecal matter and turned over to police.

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Cayce Homes Catfight: Showdown on South 6th

Police responded to a fight and wrote a citation to Tayana Miles. They responded a 2nd time, when the aggressor returned with backup, Faith Thaxton, and arrested both on attempted aggravated assault, and the victim on an outstanding warrant.

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